My Poopie Boy is a STAR! Well, not quite, but in my mind, he was the star of the show. Poopie had his Christmas pagent last week for his little school and I was so impressed. I LOVE his pre-school. They even had the class for the 12 month olds doing a little dance with garland. :) Poopie's class had to shake their self made "paper plate and bean" tamberines to the tunes of Frosty the Snowman. Since I wanted to get GREAT pictures, I had the bright idea of getting there really early to sit in front. (There must have been at least 700 people there all to watch 5 pre-school classes) When the curtin opened, I could barely see him in the back with his teacher. (the teacher on your right) if you look really carefully, you can see his little head peaking out from behind the girl in front of him. Anyway, he was doing fine until his teacher moved him forward so he could be seen and he caught sight of me. He tried to run towards me but they were on a stage so his teacher had to catch him. As soon as she picked him up, he started crying HARD. The audience all let out a big "awwww" at the same time. :) I have a small video taken with my camera that is posted below. I had to turn if off mid-performance because I also had my real video camera and this was to good to miss. What you can't see is that he eventually stopped crying and even shook his little instrument, but then the curtin started to close so he started crying all over again. If I ever learn how to post real video on this thing, I can show you the entire sceen. :) After his performance was over, he came to sit with us and he LOVED watching the other kids sing and dance. He was trying to dance in the isles but I told him that he already had his chance. In my eyes, he still was the best and cutest of them all! :)

Poopie's name is the 5th down on the left side

Click twice on the arrow below to see the video... Enjoy!