I often find myself wondering what I ever did to deserve such a great family. I would pray and pray as a young child to have this family I though about in my mind, but my prayers were not answered... until now. This time of year always makes me more mindful of my blessings, but even more so this year because our family has gone though so many changes and I am grateful for every one. I was reminded of my great family this weekend because we had a real family day at a local Family Farm Pumpkin Patch. I let the kids dress in their costumes for our outing and it turned out to be such a fun day. After Andi and Miguel's soccer game, we went home to change and we were at the Pumpkin Patch by 11am. It was a really cold morning so by the time it was 11am, it was beautiful but still cool which was perfect "Pumpkin Patching" weather. Andi is Pocahontas, Miguel is a Dr., and Poopie is a Puppy. This pumpkin patch was so beautiful and had so much to offer, all for the price of admission! There was a petting zoo, a long hay ride, interactive area's, a free hot dog and a great area for just roming and playing. There were cut outs of a lot of cartoon characters but Poopie was not in the mood to stay in one place for more than 3 seconds. The pics I will show you are a few out of 100! lol! During the hayride we passed a beautiful small lake, animals, and corn! I felt like I was really in Texas! Andi and Miguel got to try their hand at "Longhorn Roping" while Poopie was trying to talk to the goats. I was looking at the beautiful blue sky, the rustling trees, the open spaces, my children with their Daddy and I kept asking myself... What have I done to deserve this? I hope everyone is enjoying their family and enjoying this wonderful time of year. I know I am!
(FYI... the video's take a long time to buffer. Remember to click play twice to start)

Happy Fall Ya'll !