I was on the computer when I heard Poopie saying, "A Meteor, A Meteor!" I went to look in the play room and saw that the kids had built their own spaceship out of the baby gate and bin lid. Andi was manning the controls with her fake laptop, Miguel was looking through his telescope (paper towel roll) to see if there was any flying space objects that would hit their spaceship, and Poopie was looking through the window (baby gate) to see the other planets. Andi and Miguel had found every ball in the house to make up all the planets and they named them off for me. When I went back to check on them again later, they were sitting down for a "Space Man" dinner. LOL I was happy to see their imaginations at work. I guess I should try turning off the TV more often... :)

How cute is that?...So creative!
sounds like you guys are having a great summer! thanks for the comment!
And you can't buy that kind of fun at "Toys'is'We". Way to go kids!
love it!!! they're so cute and creative!
grandma's little angels!!! lol
I used to pretend I was a beautiful singer in my spare time....... When I was their age I mean!!!!
That is so cool! I'm glad you documented it.
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