Tonight we had Eric's "real" birthday party. The Carlsons, Stokers, Hafens and Kirkpatrick/Vukins were there. We also had a little cake and candle action for Joni and Brianne because they too just had birthdays. It was a nice little gathering with friends. Stuff birthday goodness is made of. :)

Lisa, you are so good at doing things like this! I wish we could have come. Liza's program ended up being cancelled, but I was wiped out from the funeral. I would've been a stick in the mud!! Anyway, you are awesome. Happy birthday, Eric!
Happy birthday again, Eric! Thanks so much for having us over, for the yummy cake, and the sweet gift! We love you guys!
Lisa, I totally think you have the funnest family ever. You actually DO stuff! Thats awesome!
How fun! Happy Birthday, Eric!
Lookd like a great party :)
Love your family! I'm just catching up on all the events. Eric's pictures from growing up made me laugh!!!
I enjoyed all the updates! HUGS!
Happy Birthday! Those older pictures were awesome. Especially the one of the fist under the chin. CLASSIC!
And YUP! We got your Christmas card, soooo adorable! Yours should get there anyday.
Merry Christmas!
That looks way fun, and the cake(s) look awesome!
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