Today Angelina went to the Dr. for her shots. She weighed in at 13 lbs and measured 24 inches long! She is in the 90th percentile for height and 85th for weight. Looks like we have a future basketball player on our hands. Baby girl won't be three months until May 11th and she is already in size 6 months clothes. I swear we are not over-feeding her! :)
She looks great! She's not the least bit chubby and her coloring is wonderful. She's growing just like she's supposed to. Yea!!!!
She's precious. And besides, chubby babies are the best anyways so bring on those 6-month outfits is what I say.
Awe! So precious! Growing so fast! I am worrying over how fast/slow our LO will/won't grow out of clothes! Its so hard to judge!
She's going to be bigger than Eric soon!
Holy Cow! Good for her! I like babies to be bigger, then you know that they are healthy!! When we got my girls at 10 months, I bought them some pjs that were 6 month size and they fit them perfectly! The 12 month clothes we got them were a little big, but they could were them for a while.(They were around 14-15 lbs when we got them) They gained weight quickly under my care! :)
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