I wanted to make this party geared towards 12 year olds. :) We ended up with a mall scavenger hunt party complete with mall pretzels as snacks and a large toll house cookie as the cake. Add to that the trips to the stores for the scavenger hunt and you have a full-on tween mall party. :) There were 13 girls so we had 3 groups, each with it's own parent "shadow" to follow them around the mall. :) They were given a list of 20 items and only $5 total to spend so they had to get creative. One of the hunt items was that each girl had to get blue eye shadow put on at a make-up counter for 5 extra points. :) A lot of the items would be free if they thought about them hard enough. After they came back from the scavenger hunt they snacked on the pretzels while playing a game where they had to answer questions about Andi. After the game it was time for cookie cake and gifts. It turned out great. :) 
The Cookie Cake...
All the girls when they first arrived...
Group 1...
What a great party idea for tween girls!
Youare such a great mom! I love the passed out pictures:) Too fun!
FUN FUN FUN and such a perfect idea. I'm sure they had a blast. You amaze me with all your photos - capturing it all. Way to go Mom!!!
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