Miguel has turned out to be a pretty good ball player. He is still really young and he never had the opportunity to have a dad to throw the ball around with him or teach him the fundamentals before he came to be with us, so he was raw when we first put him in. You should have seen his batting stance. Yikes. Anyway, three seasons later, he is really catching on.
Before you view the video below, you should know that I am one of "those" parents at a game. I am a HUGE baseball freak (Go Angels!) and I am a very competitive when it comes to sports. At one of Miguel's games, while we were still in California, his coach had moved him to play 3rd base and I knew he didn’t have the first clue about playing in-field. There were runners on 1st and 2nd so I kept reminding him that if he gets the ball, he needs to tag his base. You know... "Miguel! If you get the ball, tag your base! Don't forget the play is at 3rd! It's coming to you! Get ready! Don't forget to tag your base!" You get the picture. Well, Miguel's coach started yelling out last minute reminders to the kids before the batter came up to the batter's box and when he got to Miguel he said, "Miguel! If you get the ball, tag your base!" Miguel then threw up his hands and yelled out... "I KNOW! MY MOM ALREADY TOLD ME!" lol!!! I yelled back to the coach... "I got it covered coach!" Everyone was cracking up. So in the future when you are outside and hear a woman's voice yelling instructions to her little leaguer; don't worry. It's just me. You should worry if you can hear it all the way in California because that would mean I am getting a little too rowdy here in Texas... :) 

Aw... that makes me miss my little nephew. He's 8 and he plays just about every sport. Anyway, GO MIGUEL!
wow!!!! Miguel has certainly improved since I saw his game in California!!! Way to go Miguel!!!
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