My cat's name is Puppy. I know... I am weird. Anyway, two weeks ago today Eric started the van with the cat under the hood. Somehow, her leg tendon ended up getting cut in HALF and she had some burns and cuts on her body. Her leg was so bad the emergency Vet said it had to be amputated unless she had a VERY expensive surgery. We DO NOT have money for anything like that so after they bandaged her, I called around on Monday to find a place to amputate her leg and I was SHOCKED at the prices. I am an animal lover and i did not think it was fair to have her put to sleep because we could not afford to get her fixed, but we did not have the kind of money we were being quoted. I prayed to Heavenly Father that night and asked him to help me save her. The next day I was checking the internet for more places to call when I came across the name of a 5 star rated Vet in the town next to us. I KNEW there would be no way we could afford them but I wanted to call to see if they would have any advice to give me on what if anything I could do for her. I explained my situation to the receptionist and she said the Dr. had to call me back later. I did not expect to hear from him but he called me 20 minutes later! I told him what happened and explained that Eric was a teacher and I was staying at home again and he said that his father was a teacher and to bring her in so he could see what he could do. When i got there, he said he would not only amputate her leg, but "fix" her and give her all her updated shots for about 80% less than what I had been quoted everywhere else just for the leg amputation. After looking at her wound which was open to the bone and badly infected, he said he would stay late that night and operate on her. When I got there the next day, her leg was still there! He said he wanted to try and save her leg and that he wasn't going to charge me! The emergency Vet told us we would have been looking well in to the THOUSANDS for a procedure like that and here he was doing it because of his love for animals and people. THEN... he said he would keep her there for the WEEK (at no additional charge) so he could administer her meds and keep an eye on her. We had to bring her back today because the stitches started to bleed and he said he would keep her there for ANOTHER week so he could give her "water therapy" for her skin graph AT NO CHARGE TO US! I seriously can't believe it. Today I left there paying only for her antibiotics and special cat litter. The name of this place in ALMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL in ALLEN. This Vet has a ph. d and his MVT. The office even has a drive up window! The receptionist told me that was incase people wee running late for work, or they were elderly, or had small kids, etc... Can you believe this??? I want to recommend him to EVERYONE! We will be bringing ALL of our animals there from now on. Here are a few pics of Puppy. She is getting better and better everyday and is putting weight on her leg again! 

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Wow! You don't meet very many people like that anymore. I'm so glad your kitty is going to be okay! I was sad for her. I still think about that every time I'm in the car backing out.
Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows that it becomes part of the family. This makes me grateful for caring people and reminds me that Heavenly Father really is aware of every sparrow.
Wow. I wish there were more people in the world like that! Heavenly Father sure answers prayers! Here's to a speedy recovery!
Wow! Poor Puppy! What a blessing that you found that vet!
Poor baby! What a wonderful Dr. you found!!! We could use one like that in California!!! I'm glad that Puppy in doing better. I'm not so sure cats like water therapy!!!
Oh Lisa, what a God-send that vet was. I am so encouraged to hear that there are people like that in the world and that your prayers were answered. God cares about every single need, big or small! All we have to so is ask and you did and He provided for you. I'm glad that Puppy is doing better and that he didn't have to lose his leg. I can't imagine how heart-breaking all of this was for all of you.
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