My love bunny came into this world. He was born in a high school bathroom and left in the toilet. After the proctor discovered and revived him, he was brought to San Antonio Community hospital. His birth mother said she did not know she was pg and she could not keep him. She decided to give him up for adoption. The hospital social worker call a local agency and she picked a family. They came to see him, but changed their minds because in their eyes he was too small and sickly. Although he only weighed 4 lbs and 11 oz, he was perfectly healthy and needed a family. In the next town over there was a family who needed a baby. After the failed adoption placement, the social worker was given our number my someone who thought that we might be the right family for this little boy. We were not signed up with any agency and could not have a baby on our own so we wee in no way expecting to grow our family at that time. On the third day of his life that same social worker called us and told us that there was a baby available for adoption and if we wanted him, come and get him. That night a VERY excited, scared and grateful couple went to the hospital to pick him up. :) Us! When we first met him, I he had cuts on his head where his little head hit the toilet when he was born and his skin was hanging off his arms because he was so small, but he was the most beautiful baby we had ever seen and our hearts immediately knew he was meant for us. The new Grandma (my mom) ran out to Wal Mart in the middle of the night so we could have a car seat to bring him home. His new big brother and sister were VERY happy to meet him when they woke up in the morning. :)
My sweet baby is growing up. It hurts that time is moving so fast yet it is so enjoyable for us to watch him grow up. Poopie is sooo lucky to have such a wonderful big sissy and brother who love him so much and we are so lucky to have him.
Poopie - we love you so much. You are the best surprise of our lives. Your first name means loyal and your middle name honors my wonderful Papa, Robert Barton, who loved you so much. We look forward to continuing to watch you grow and learn but remember... you promised me that you will ALWAYS live with your Mommy. :)
Daddy, Mommy, Brother and Sissy wish you a very happy birthday.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Some of you will be happy to hear that from now on I will only refer to Poopie as "Kaleb" on this site. :) He is a big boy now and it is time to use his "big boy name." On the other hand, I will still call him Poopie whenever I want so there!
Happy Birthday Kaleb! :) I don't remember hearing your whole story before . . . it's amazing! :)
Happy b-day Kaleb!
Happy Birthday, Kaleb!! You are such a cute little buzz. :)
That was such a touching story about his birth and how you became his parents:) What a miracle.
He is SO cute!!!! It's hard to imagine how he started life compared to where he is now! What an adorable little guy!!! Happy Birthday to him!
Ha! On the adoption site I wished Kaleb a happy birthday before reading this!
So, again...
Happy Birthday Mr. Kaleb!
Happy Birthday Kaleb! I think I have always just known him as Poopie! LOL!
You are definantly a miricle and you are very special! Hope you have a great day and enjoy being a big boy! You are such a handsome kid!
aw i had never heard his story..give him a great big hug from Elodie and Chris..Happy Birthday Kaleb!
Happy birthday Kaleb! I think now that you are potty trained, it is appropriate to change your name, but I know you will always be Poopie to your mama.
Can't believe it's been three years. He's an absolute doll - just remember that when he starts pitching the 3 year old attitude :)
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