Last night Eric and I spend about an hour visiting with birth mom and meeting her family. It was a great visit and she looks wonderful! Already she has lost 15 pounds and the baby is only 6 days old. :) I wish I could do that... lol We were so touched that BM and her parents gave us some wonderful gifts for the baby. Of course, we hope they know that the gift we have already been given will last us for all eternity. :) I would like to ask that you continue to pray for both the birth mom and the birth father. I know most of us could not possibly imagine what they must be going through at this time...

She must be a pretty tired little girl. Either that or she's like a kitten and we have to wait six weeks-- I haven't seen her eyes open yet! :)
Cute pictures, though! Give Kaleb a hug for me. I hope he feels better soon.
BM must be so strong. I know I could not come back and visit--esp. so soon. What an amazing self-less gift:)
I think anyone who is able to place their child for adoption has more strength than I could EVER imagine!! It's great that you guys have an open relationship, I am sure Angelina will appreciate that as she gets older!
How sweet. So glad you were able to have a visit with BM. :-) You have been a busy girl putting up all these posts/pics! lol
i simply could not be happier for you if i tried!!! what a beautiful way for this love story to develop!
your amazing little family is a joy to behold ...
I am glad the visit went well!!! Your baby looks so adorable and precious as always!!! I am praying for her birth parents!
I so admire her courage. God bless her for making such a tough decision. That is what being a mom is all about....putting the needs of your child before your own. I hope she knows how special she is.
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