The one where your heart feels like it is going to BURST out of your chest at the mere site of your baby? :) I can't get enough of this boy. I LOVE to look at him and kiss him. He told Eric that he wants me to live with him "when he goes at his college." Gladly. I can help keep the girls away. :) Here he is with his Dallas Cowboys blanket. It was actually given to Eric as a birthday present from my friend Joni, but Kaleb has claimed it as his own and will not sleep without it. I obsess EVERYDAY about him getting older so fast and I am desperate for time to slow down, but he continues to grow and become more independent. Today he told me to get him a new cup because the one he was using was old and had bacteria. lol :) Ok, heaven forbid he should have the same cup for more than an hour. At least he is listening when I talk about germs! :)

The bacteria comment cracked me up!
Love that buzz. :)
Too cute!
Bacteria-lol! Yes he is growing up fast.
Too cute!!!! I think you are obcessed!
LOL...I feel the same about my beautiful boy. :D
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