No matter who you are, you may know someone who has been touched by adoption. Without adoption I would NOT be able to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow. Just 4 years ago Mother's Day was a day or TORMENT for me. I could not go to church and I would burst into tears at the drop of a dime. Infertility is a cruel thing that takes away all of life's celebrations. I remember my first Mother's Day. Eric went out of his way to make the day so special because he knew I had longed to be honored on that day for sooooo long. Still to this day, there is a sting of "Mother's Day's past" because I can vividly remember the gut wrenching feeling like it was yesterday. This is all the more reason why I LOVE Mother's Day now. It is easy to take for granted life's blessings but I guarantee you that there is not an adoptive mom in this world that doesn't count her blessings a little extra that day. Today I took Angelina to visit her birth mom. I kept thinking over and over about how grateful I am for birth families and when I look at our kids I am ALWAYS reminded of the blessings birth parents give to waiting couples. We have three birth mothers in our lives. We only have contact with Christina, but on days like tomorrow I remember that no matter what their circumstances were then or are now, we would NOT be parents if they did not birth our kids. Talk about pro-life. There are many other people like me who would not have families if our birth mother's had decided to not to give birth. I would like to say thank you to Maria, Gabriella and Christina for giving life to our children. We are ETERNALLY blessed. 

Very well said..made me teary eyed.
I agree!!! Yes, very well said!!! Happy Mother's day to birth parents, adoptive parents, and to parents who have lost a child due to M/C, stillbirth or lost a child some time after they were born!
Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I could never be a mother. How I would beg some girl to give me her baby. And how I would never be able to fully thank her.
I'm so happy there are people in this world that make dreams come true for someone else. Thank you moms, wherever, however, whenever you are!!
I remember the Mother's day that you and I were together after taking "Grammie" out for breakfast...You cried so much on the way home because you were not a mother yet and do you remember what I said?? I told you that someday you will have a lot of children and laugh at that particular mother's day...Now look at you!
Thank you Maria and Christina for the gift that you have given me...My beautiful grandchildren that I will love and cherish as long as I live.....
Love you all.....
DITTO! :-) Love the little outfit and it is so nice you were able to go see Christina today and let her share in this day. :-)
What a touching post! What blessing your childrens' birth Moms are!
I agree! Birth Moms are AMAZING!! Very well said!
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