Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veteran's Day Program

Both kids are in the school choir this year so it was extra cool to watch them both sing in the Veteran's Day program. Can you belive this is Andi's LAST YEAR in elementry school? Yikes.Below: two short videos of them singing. Soo cute. :)

Below: Miguel had a speaking part...

Below: RIGHT after the performance. I ran up and took a pic before they were dismissed. :) BFF pics...

Below: The kids pointing out my Papa's star that honors his years of service, medals and awards. I miss him so much. This was a great way to keep him in my kids hearts and minds.

1 comment:

Mom/Grandma said...

Yeah.....Lisa is in a picture!!! I'm so excited to see you Lisa! lol You look great! Should get in more pics....

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