Monday, August 22, 2011

Poopie's 1st day of kindergarten

Today was the day. My baby started kindergarten. When I walked him in his classroom and was hugging him goodbye, he puched his head against me and started to softly cry. I asked him what was wrong and he said he didn't color that good. :) I think it was just a case of jitters. :) By the time I picked him up he was all smiles and it was my turn to cry because I was so happy to see him. :)
After I dropped off Kaleb in his class I went to the "Yahoo/BooHoo" kindergarten parents breakfast. :)

Goosey was VERY excited to pick up "PeePee." The poor kids. We call him Poopie and she calls him Pee Pee. lolHere he comes!

Right after school we had to head over to the dr for a booster shot so Kaleb had a full day!Handsome brothers!

Goosey was happy to have her siblings home but she was still waiting on Daddy. Eric started a new school district and I was excited to see how his first day went. Goosey told Daddy when he got home that she cried for him today. lol Man, she knows how to pour it on thick!


Elle Bee said...

Oh, he's so big!!! How did that happen? I love the "yahoo/boo hoo" breakfast. That is so cute. Laughing about Goosey calling him Pee pee too! HA!

Melissa said...

Aww! love this post! So many cute things! Thanks for sharing Kaleb's special day! :-D

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