Above: I can't decide if I want to put the bins back in the game room or in the garage. I like for them to be close to me so I can protect them all year... lol
Above: I can't decide if I want to put the bins back in the game room or in the garage. I like for them to be close to me so I can protect them all year... lol
Below: Uncle Isaac (Eric's brother) is one of Poopie's heroes because he is a "Cops" as Poopie calls him (he is a LA County Sheriff) so he sent Poopie a real replica of a LA Sheriffs car that came with a REAL police patch/badge. Poopie LOVES his police car and in this pic, he is showing us his Cops face. lol
Below: Miguel found one of the gifts I had hidden in the tree. I like to hide other gifts around so it keeps the fun going after they thing it is over. :)
Below: Pops & Nana sent us SEASON TICKETS TO SIX FLAGS! (aka Magic Mountian for you Cali peeps. :)
For Christmas Dinner, we had our friends and neighbors Joni & Kent, Stephanie & Gabe, Lillie and Connor. (the kids) We had a gift exchange, shared dinner, played a game and enjoyed each others company.
Below: Poopie calls Gabe his "best friend." :)
Below: last but not least, here is our 2008 "Wall of Love." We started this tradition the first Christmas after we were married. I love walking past the wall and looking at the cards every day. Do you see you card up there? :)