Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa

My Dear Papa's birthday was this Saturday. It is VERY hard to think that he is gone. I so desperately wanted him to make it long enough to meet the baby... Anyway, he is someone who should NEVER be forgotten. I love you my Papa. I miss you and Grammie so much. My heart aches to talk to you on the phone one more time or to have a strong hug and to hear you call me your sweetheart.


Lovely Lisa said...

I so dread the day my grandparents are no longer around. I'm sorry. :(

(Totally don't blame you for making the blog private, BTW!)

Shannon said...

They were such special people. I know you still grieve for them. Don't ever forget what a gift from God they were/are in your life and how they helped make you the woman you are today.

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