We put up our Halloween decorations today. For those of you who know me, the few pics I have below are far from a true representation of the actual amount of decorations we have. :) I have more decorations for Halloween than most people do for Christmas. I have more decorations for Christmas than most Hotels. Lol But, I just wanted to take a few pics of some of the cute stuff we were putting up outside. We are soooo into holidays and it is so awesome for our family to have these great traditions. I love digging the old decorations out of the bins and remembering when I got them. I have had most of this stuff from well before Eric and I were married. They are a little torn around the edges, but they are the Hill Family decorations and we love them. :) Now, when I have more memory on my camera, I can take about 50 pics and really show you what we have up. lol
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sooo cute. you are too fun.
Holy Halloween, Batman! :)
Looks like fun!
So fun! I could go crazy with decorations and yet I refrain. Just wait till I have the money to spend...
Oh.......Mr. Skeleton!!! I haven't seen him in a long time!! Looks like he has been to the goodwill to get some new clothes! lol... I see some new things...Never remember seeing the bat or the ghost..Looks great!
I thought the "web site" was cute!
Mom, nothing is new except for the little yard sign I found at Target for $1.00. I have had the bat and ghost from before Eric and I were married. At least 6 years...
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